When you run this behavior, the robot will track your face and estimate your age!

(Choregraphe file available to download at the end of this article)

  • Drag and drop the Movement -> Motors -> WakeUp box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
  • Connect its input to the diagram input.

Test : The robot stands up.

  • Drag and drop the Sensing -> Vision -> Surroundings -> Basic Awareness box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
  • Connect its input to the output of the WakeUp box.
  • Click on its parameter-button parameter button.

Deselect all stimuli but the People Stimulus.


Test : The robot only tracks human faces, but no sounds, movements etc.

  • Drag and drop the Sensing -> Human Understanding -> Get Age box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
  • Connect its input to the Human Tracked output of the Basic Awareness box.
  • The robot tries to estimate the age of the person in front of him.
  • Drag and drop the Speech -> Creation -> Say Text box onto the Flow Diagram panel.
  • Connect its input to the onStopped output of the Get Age box.

  • Double click on the Say Text box and replace line 27 of the python code with: sentence += “You look like you are %s years old” % str(p)

Test : Depending on the estimated age the robot will say: “You look like you are {age} years old”