- Make sure you have a robot ready to use.
- Make sure Python and Python SDK are installed on your computer. If it is not the case, see: Python SDK - Installation Guide.
- Start your favorite editor, let’s say IDLE, the one automatically installed with Python.
- Open a new window.
- Copy and paste the following code:
from naoqi import ALProxy
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "<IP of your robot>", 9559)
tts.say("Hello, world!") - Replace <IP of your robot>by the IP of your robot.
If you don’t know its IP address, press its Chest button, NAO will say it.
Save the file as a Python file.
- Run it.
Your robot says “Hello, world!”.
This script uses the say method of the ALTextToSpeech module. ALTextToSpeech is the module of NAoqi dedicated to speech. The say method makes the robot pronounce the string given in parameter.
Let’s explain the 3 lines you wrote:
from naoqi import ALProxy
This line imports the module ALProxy.
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", "<IP of your robot>", 9559)
This line creates an object called tts. This object will send calls to NAOqi.
- tts is the name we gave to the object instance (could have been myspeechmodule or speakingmodule).
- ALProxy() is a class of objects, allowing you to have acces to all the methods of a module.
- ALTextToSpeech is the name of the module of NAOqi we want to use.
- IP and Port (9559) of the robot are also specified (it was not the case with Choregraphe).
tts.say("Hello, world!")
This line uses the object tts to send an instruction to the NAOqi module.
- tts is the object we use.
- say() is the method.
- “Hello, world!” is the parameter.
To make the robot do something, you have to:
- Import the module ALProxy.
- Create an object giving access to one of the NAOqi modules.
- Call one of its available methods.
Outside Choregraphe, IP and Port are mandatory parameters of proxy().