This article describes how to perform a Factory Reset on Pepper and/or NAO via Choregraphe.
For Pepper this only works with a Naoqi 2.5 (Choregraphe doesn't work with Pepper in 2.9 !!)
To do so, you will only need the .opn file corresponding to the Naoqi version you need on your robot. Please feel free to contact the support to get that .opn file
- Connect you Robot to Choregraphe
- Once your robot is connected your screen should look like this (in this case, we connected a Pepper):
- Then you must click on "Connection" -> "Advanced" -> "Update Robot System" as in the following picture:
- This will open a popup window asking you the password of the Robot (by default the password is: nao) so enter the password and click Next
- Then it will ask you to select the robot system image file (Naoqi version ->.opn) click on Browse to find and select that system image from your computer and then click Next (in this example we selected the Naoqi version for Pepper)
- On the next step, you have to select "Yes, I want to apply a factory reset to delete all user data" and then click on "Factory Reset and Update":
- Then click Next
- After that, it will start downloading the Naoqi image file on the robot:
- When the downloading is done, just click on "Restart robot now"
Your robot will now restart and perform the factory reset !