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Cannot use ALAnimatedSpeech on Nao robot, using Naoqi 2.1.4


I'm trying to get my NAO robot to move while he's talking to bring him to life during demonstrations, but the programme doesn't work. He talks while remaining immobile.  

    tts2 = ALProxy("ALAnimatedSpeech", nao_ip, nao_port)
    tts2.say(sentence, configuration)
    emotion=["BodyTalk_1","animations/Sit/BodyTalk/BodyTalk_1","animation","body language"]        tts2.say("Hello! ^start(animations/Sit/BodyTalk/BodyTalk_1) Nice to meet you!")    tts2.say('^start({emotion}{message} ^wait({emotion})"'.format(emotion=emotion,message="Hello nice to meet you ",),)        


What can I do ? 

Help and thank you very much.

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